Friday, April 1, 2011

Sunlight and Water to Clear Acne

Drink more water

The skin stores around 12% water. It is important to maintain this amount with the exact amount of good fats to keep your skin from acne. You should drink about 2 liters of distilled water every day. If you do not take this amount, just start to increase the amount you drink alcohol.

Drinking water helps you get rid of toxins in the blood and into your cells. Drinking water, you urinate more toxins and others will be deleted. You sweat more and toxins will be removed.

The cleaner the blood of the health of your skin and will not be a problem with acne.

Use glass containers when buying distilled or reverse osmosis. Try to avoid using plastic containers of water from plastic containers contain chemicals, the rest of the container walls during manufacturing, which leaches out of water.

If you drink juice, you can also get water from these juices. Drinking soft drinks is without drinking water. If you eat fresh vegetables you get distilled water. The more fruits and vegetables you eat have to drink less water.

Here are a few things to help you drink more water, or water is healthier. Search for 16 or 32 oz glass container and add distilled water. Then add one of the following nutrients:

* A few drops of Alkalife. This solution will change the pH of 7-8 and also activates the water with electrolytes - sodium and potassium.

* Squeeze the juice of one lemon in the water. Do not add sugar. A few drops of honey can be authorized.

* Squeeze the juice of one lemon in water, and also add a teaspoon of powdered MSM. MSM is an excellent skin disorders like acne. It makes the skin cells more flexible so that more nutrients to go in and out of cells, and its anti-inflammatory. MSM is also excellent to activate peristaltic action and prevents constipation.

* Put 2 oz of mangosteen into the water. Mangosteen is a whole body tonic. Works in all parts of the body and help keep you regular.

You can also add your favorite nutritional flavor to give added value to the water.

Choose one of these natural additives for water and drink it slowly during the day. This is another thing you can do to get rid of acne, improve skin texture and maintain the beautiful skin you've done.

Get Some Sunshine

One last thing you can do for your skin is more natural light.

Expose your face with plenty of sunshine and air. This helps the skin heal faster. But do not purposely place your face to the sun, but remaining in shadow and to provide outdoor areas with plenty of sunshine and air.

At least 20 to 40 minutes a day outdoors is essential that you get enough vitamin D for your daily needs.


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