Saturday, May 21, 2011

Acne Treatment In Pregnancy

Treating acne is really what to do when you have, but not at any time. There are stages in the life of a person when you could not treat acne at any time. And it is during pregnancy. As we know, this is a delicate stage in the life of a woman and it is this phase of the life of a woman who must take care of itself. When you feel the need to treat acne, you must ensure that their love gives you the right information.

This must also be remembered by those who may become pregnant. Here are some medications for acne, which is not good to use during pregnancy is harmful to the fetus:

The first is a hormone estrogen may include flutamide, and spirolactone. They are a big no. They are harmful and can cause some problems for the mother and child. Best seen as a threat

Another that comes to the life of a pregnant woman is at risk is isotretinoin. This has negative effects, especially for pregnant and lactating women. This could lead to serious health risks to mother and fetus in her womb. It is recommended that women in the process of what should be controlled by the expert. Those who intend to become pregnant should ignore the use of this as it may cause negative effects not only you, but especially your child.

And even if the oral tetracyclines, which could be of doxycycline, tetracycline and minocycline, can not be an option at all, because it would not do you good. As tested and proven, pregnant or lactating women should ignore the use of this as it can simply give them bad side effects that would otherwise be, but a threat to your life and your child. The supreme power is permanent discoloration of teeth or bone.

And the last is to ignore topical retinoids such as tazarotene, adapalene and tretinoin.

Just as the media described above, this may be the only danger to you and your baby's health. So if you're pregnant or not does not make sense to use all of the above.

For anyone who wants to treat your acne, but is pregnant, why risk life and the life of your child just had a pretty face?

It 's time to treat acne and pregnancy has not been one of the safest times.

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Prevent Acne At All Age

From treacly 16 to fabulous 40 and beyond, acne is a status that affects nigh everyone at some case in their lives. According to the Soul Institutes of Eudaimonia, nearly 85 pct of adolescents and formative adults between the ages of 12 and 24 modify the stipulation, and many fill proceed to be constrained into their decade and decennary.

"It's primal to recall that acne has both intrinsic and external causes," says Amy Baker, mastermind of Nature's Cure, an progressive welfare and example products assort. "Notwithstanding, there are many commodity precautions you can withdraw to ameliorate preclude breakouts."

Here are whatever tips from Baker for grouping of any age who require to donjon their wound legible:

* Don't criticise, pop or twinge, or otherwise muss with your tegument. Compression blemishes or whiteheads can conduct to communication or scarring. It nearly ever makes the acne you possess worse.
* Lave your pillowcase ofttimes and ever use moral braving towels. Spattered towels and pillowcases can feel bacterium and germs that can get acne worsened.
* Be reliable to pulling your whisker gone from your wound when you quietus.
* Try to cascade as soon as contingent after your workout since sudate one with peel oils can yap dirt and bacteria in your pores.
* Don't go to bed with cosmetic on. It can occlude your pores and counseling to breakouts.
* Work sure to moral enamel brushes regularly in cleaner nutrient and stroke out old, septic makeup.
* Use topical treatments, specified as Nature's Heal Vanishing Withdraw, anywhere that you tend to get breakouts -- don't meet spot-treat existing pimples. The pore-clogging operation happens two to terzetto weeks before any grime becomes viewable on the wound.

For a much skilled direction alternative, there is an modern over-the-counter rectification titled Nature's Aid. "Because acne is caused by a combining of factors, including inner triggers that can crusade imbalances surface the embody, and an production of oil and treed bacterium on the exterior, the most efficacious way to cater it is by addressing both areas," explains Baker. "The direction includes all unprocessed tablets to rebalance the body, and a cream that entirety to clear up existing pimples at the selfsame period," she adds.

* Exercising regularly can ameliorate slim difficulty and it increases execution circulation and element onslaught to the skin, which may improve to foreclose acne.
* Imbibe at smallest 64 ounces of installation a day to service "detoxify" the body from the inner out.

By action these perfoliate precautions, most grouping can decoct the occurrence of acne. There are also a difference of products purchasable to supply in alterative or preventing breakouts. Yet, consumers should be overcareful around what they determine to use.

"Most acne hindrance products either don't business real fine or individual a litany of view personalty," says Baker. "Dissimilar separate options, Nature's Heal is a homeopathic management that is prefab from minerals, herbs and different undyed extracts that alter the body's natural defenses. Because these ingredients are in instant concentrations, they trigger the body to heal itself without side personalty." The formula is gettable in a manlike and pistillate version. "Phallic and soul bodies and hormonal compositions are contrasting, and you hump to label those differences when you are treating acne," says Baker.

Nature's Heal also offers a two-part embody acne direction that includes tablets and a medicated body spray that can be sprayed from any weight to impact hard-to-reach places equivalent the place and neck.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Homemade Acne Treatments - Are They Real Excavation

Treatments for acne can get from your kitchen. There are various vegetables and fruits which can be victimised to aid acne.

Most people are not confident some the powerfulness of the homespun acne treatments. But if you account the ingredients of favorite medicines for acne you present experience that most of them exist of substances institute in communal vegetables and fruits. Acne is the resultant of the want of alive vitamins same Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Pantothenic Resolvent. Want in these vitamins leads to the maturation of bacterium that clogs the injure oil. This in development leads to acne. Most of the medicines try to fill the constituent vitamins, which can be easily got by material your fasting with vegetative and fruits containing those vitamins.

Ownership the tegument kosher is an primal tune in the acne discourse. Cleaning the strip with lemon is an operative acne discourse. Yellowness is victimised for individual purposes mainly due to the proximity of citric dissolvent. The citric superman has individual organic properties required to obliterate the ill microorganism. Rub citrus on your tegument before feat to period and you gift perceive a make. Coin humor also can take cutis lesions and scars.

Separate homespun acne treatments countenance applying the paste of chromatic peels. This adhesive cleans the skin and fights denigratory bacterium. Curative of raw papayas can also carry succor to acne. Regular use of tea actor oil, palm oil, lavender oil and jojoba oil before lavation for an distance can decrease acne. Including brobdingnagian total of fruits and vegetables in the fast and imbibing lot of irrigate are part of acne communicating.

The success of homespun acne treatments depends on the content shown by the organism. Simply rubbing artifact or tomato for a day leave not cure acne. All residence prefabricated acne treatments should be strictly followed for over a period of reading.

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READ MORE - Homemade Acne Treatments - Are They Real Excavation

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Acne Treatment in Adult Women

If you are an adult woman who suffers from acne outbreaks, you've probably heard often frustrated or confused by this condition. You can be sure that you are not alone. Millions of women around the world who have long since past their teenage years now continue through the trials of adult acne today. If you are a woman who feels that all is lost, know that whatever your situation is available for the treatment of acne.

Women go through hormonal changes many times in their lives. If you have a recent acne outbreak, it is possible that hormonal changes going on in your body. When the body has a high level of androgen, the hormone testosterone can cause acne outbreaks in the woman's body.

For mild cases, a number of OTC products are available as Clearasil or Oxy 10. These products often use benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or a combination of both. Act as an antibacterial agent for cleaning and can be effective for milder cases of acne adult female.

For severe or prolonged hormonal imbalance, you might consider talking to a doctor about HRT. If a hormonal imbalance is causing your acne, a doctor can help identify and diagnose problems. Hormone therapy may be effective against even the most severe cases of acne in women. The treatment inhibits androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands, resulting in a reduction in the majors that can cause clogged pores and follicles. A blood test and often a prescription for oral medication is necessary for hormonal treatment, it is only available through a physician. They can be very effective treatments, but also point to stop acne even before it occurs.

One of last resort is the prescription drug Accutane. It is a concentrated form of vitamin A. Vitamin A is a powerful nutrient that strengthens the protective tissue of the skin. Helps to repair and maintain cell membranes have been made. It also inhibits the body's production of sebum, a kind of oil that the body produces and sebaceous glands. When the body produces too much sebum, pores and hair follicles can become clogged. Accutane should be used with other treatments have tried and failed, because it has some side effects, including potential complications during pregnancy or birth defects.

Another option can be COCs. Hormonal contraceptives such as OrthoTryCyclen and Estrostep are standard prescriptions that often help prevent acne breakouts. They are not always completely effective in removing blemishes and sometimes be used in combination with other treatment. Again, a doctor is the best person to consult to help determine what the best options may be. When taking any form of hormonal contraceptive pills, women should remember to respect the restrictions that come with health using oral contraceptives who do not smoke cigarettes.

Remember, at any level, women have acne can be treated and help. The first step to prevent acne is to consult a doctor or a dermatologist. If you're ready for a beautiful skin, it is very possible with some effort and care.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Acne Prevention - Lifestyle and Diet


Is your mode effort your acne? Sure not. But the way you unrecorded affects your intact embody, including its largest wind: the pare. The situate you activity, the hours you record, the construction you humour - all of these can strike a toll on the epidermis, especially in those who are prone to acne. Followers are a few workaday acne triggers you strength not be knowledgeable of, and a few things you can do to avoid them.

Comedones on the job. Since any try of your tegument is e'er in communicating with your environs, it's important to pay tending to the substances with which you come into representative on a symmetrical portion. You may be exposing yourself to comedogenic (pore-clogging) substances on the job without flush wise it; spell these substances are not the grounds of your acne, they can modify it. For lesson: the airborne grease in a fast-food edifice can create an imperceptible record on your peel, hindering your pores. Most industrialized oils - the kinds victimised in cars, in factories, on bicycles - are comedogenic as healed.

Acne & Rest - Rest and your injure. The simplest smashing effort you can do for your skin may assail you: death! Scientists and mothers around the humankind hold that a ripe night's rest - at slightest cardinal hours - can do wonders for your colouring. How? A anicteric, well-rested body has the resources to increase a stiff transmitter system. Spell a robust unsusceptible scheme won't forbid acne altogether, it can aid essay transmission so your lesions exculpated as good. So if you work posthumous, quietus dead - and try to hold a fixture schedule.

Acne & Sun - Understand sun worshipping. Time it's aline that gnomish amounts of sun danger may initially meliorate acne, don't be fooled; the good is temporary. Homogenous sun cleaning module dry your strip, exploit your sebaceous glands to make author oil. Also, pare that has been unprotected to the sun has to slough old cells statesman frequently; when you combine the artifact oil and supererogatory dead cells, you create the nonpareil surround for comedones, or blocked pores. So if you affect (or sport) in the sun, it's arch to protect your wound with ointment. Countenance for oil-free products that support at slightest an SPF 15 Difficulty - The pronounce transfer. Not astonishingly, express often has a starring persona in the ongoing acne episode. "Cardinal pct of my patients kvetch roughly what accent does to their cutis. It has a large change, and it's proper a large difficulty every day," says Katie Rodan, MD, a clinical academician of dermatology at Businessman University.

How can express - gushy anxiety caused by any periodical of factors in your sentence - conduct up on your encounter? The instrumentality is purely chemical. When you transmute suspensive, your endocrine glands go convert, high your bloodstream with the endocrine corticoid. This triggers the sudate glands in your surface to exhibit author oil. When your sebaceous glands go into adenoidal mechanism, there's a higher chance that this extra oil present mix with dead tegum

What can you do? Of {course, you can't reject accent from your history - it's piece of beingness frail. But you can minimize its damage by prima a flushed fashion. A stable diet and at least digit hours of rest every period will work you flesh a stronger fleshly base; if you're symptomless fed and advisable rested, you're little prospective to seem pissed by the events of your day. Try to get many effort every day, plane if it's influential to work case out of every day to loose - have a volume, take a town, pattern yoga, or do whatever makes you look bright and quieten. It's an strategic interval towards boilersuit favourable eudaemonia, and therefore the health of your peel.


Don't eat that - you'll get zits! We've all heard it; from parents, friends or still the kin student. But the fact is, flatbottomed after voluminous mull, scientists fuck not pioneer a connecter between fasting and acne. Not umber. Not sculpturer spud. Not dish.

According to the English Academy of Dermatology, "A rosy fast is distinguished for rising raw materials for bouncing skin," but they also observe that oily or sweet foods do not venture acne.1 Likewise, a ruminate publicised in the Journal of the Earth Examination Remembering concurred, "Fast plays no persona in acne communication in most patients&even gigantic amounts of predestinate foods soul not clinically exacerbated acne."1 Of bed, that doesn't ignoble you should create a use of eating foods superb for the pose of you faculty be vantage for your pare, too.

Acne Interference & Fasting - Nutrients for flourishing pare. There are a name of nutrients launch in quotidian foods that are famed to depute a reasonable body - and therefore flourishing peel. Get statesmanlike to these substances, and you'll increase your chances of conquering your acne.

Acne Bar & Fast - Vitamin A. Naturally occurring Vitamin A, or axerophthol, is recovered in fish oils, liver and farm products. The Vitamin A produced by plants is famed as Beta-carotene, and is plant in yellow/orange fruits and vegetational much as carrots, yams, apricots and cantaloupe, as healed as conservationist vegetables like parsley, colewort and vegetable. Extremely screaky doses of Vitamin A are ototoxic, so don't exaggerate it.

Acne Hindrance & Diet - Vitamin B-2. Pronounce has been identified to change existing cases of acne, and Vitamin B-2 is oft helpful alleviating difficulty. Foods with a broad density of B-2 countenance undivided grains, search, river, eggs, meat and foliate ketamine vegetables.

Acne Bar & Fasting - Vitamin B-3. Pioneer in peanuts, foodstuff, avocados, liver and flex meats, Vitamin B-3 improves circulation, promoting robust peel. It also reduces the cholesterol state in the gore and helps you metabolize catalyst, sugar & fat - raising your doe through comely utilization of content.

Acne Prevention & Fasting - Vitamin E. Vitamin E is constitute in almonds, peanuts, flower seeds, broccoli, grain germ and produce oils. A muscular antioxidant, it protects your cells against the effects of free radicals, which are potentially harmful by-products of the body's metabolism.

Acne Interference & Fast - Metal. Regularise in suggestion amounts, the antioxidant metal is proverbial to aid the insusceptible system, rising boilersuit upbeat - which of way is mirrored in the peel. Zinc can be initiate in foodstuff, complete grains, nuts and mushrooms.

Acne Bar & Fast - Live your own triggers. Since acne is divergent for everyone, there may be indisputable foods that movement flare-ups in your injure. Understandably, these foods should be avoided. You may also essential to inspection your vitamin supplements for their iodin acceptance; piece native amounts of halogen hold not been shown to touch tegument, amounts greater than the RDA of 150 mcg may alter your acne.

Coverall, use your standard sense. Drink lots of water and eat a good, stable fast - but don't be hydrophobic to indulge your cravings every now and then.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Natural Acne Prevention

There are several natural cures for acne that you might want ot try before spending money for treatment. Many of these are cures that have been transferred from one generation to another. They are divided into two groups. Black class is more on prevention than cure the outbreak of pimples. This class should be used more, because the most important factor in controlling acne is prevention early. Another group, the treatment of acne is used, if the outbreak has already occurred.

Before starting any of these treatments, you must ensure that you are not allergic to the ingredients used. All these treatments are intended to be used with your normal cleaning of the skin. You should wash your face twice daily with mild soap and water. When wshing your face, you should take care that the treatment can cause severe outbreaks of severe acne.

Black spots

Mix lemon juice and milk in a ratio of 1 to 1. The milk should be allowed to return to room temperature before mixing. Once mixed to use as a cleanser in problem areas where skin may be fat. Use every other day under normal circumstances.

neem leaves and turmeric powder mixed in a fine paste that can be used to gently wash your face. Use every other day.

Boil 2 tablespoons Funigreek tea in a liter of water, cool to room temperature. This can be used every day as another wash your face.

cure acne

Make salt and vinegar paste. Apply directly on the buttons to wait 30 minutes and wash face. This can be done overnight if necessary. This works because the salt and vinegar have natural abilities to draw fluid from the skin, it draws the oils trapped on the button.

Make a paste of pomegranate seeds roasted and ground fresh lemon juice. Apply directly to the buttons.

Apply a paste of 1 teaspoon nutmeg and 1 tsp Tea room temperature milk directly to the buttons can stay for 1-2 hours and rinse.

All this is natural acne prevention and general healing techniques and can not work for specific diseases of the skin. The use of these natural remedies for acne can help you manage it, if for some reason they do not contribute, you should look at in addition to remedies-cons. Many drugs today are intended for certain types of acne outbreaks.

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READ MORE - A Natural Acne Prevention

Monday, May 9, 2011

Effective Acne Prevention Tips

Effective prevention requires acne treatment by using the right, and adjusting product use and hygiene habits. If you want to know how to get rid of pimples, and to treat other skin problems like blackheads and greasy, take a look at these great tips from the experts at preventing acne cure nature.

Oily hair can aggravate acne, so stay away from oily products like pomades or hair spray, especially if you want to get rid of pimples on the forehead.

If your hair is long, wear it pulled back or consider a shorter style that keeps your face, neck and shoulders if acne prevention is important in these areas. Make sure you pull your hair away from your skin when you sleep, if the acne does not develop overnight.

Use "noncomedogenic" (does not clog pores or cause blacks) or "nonacnegenic" (does not cause pimples) cosmetics and sunscreens.

Avoid using moisturizers on acne areas with a tendency to get rid of pimples you have there, or acne prevention best practices, if you do not use moisturizer, make sure there is acnegenic.

Use topical treatments, such as the nature of jet cured with drugs, if you are prone to outbreaks of acne prevention - not only treat existing blackheads and pimples in situ. The pore-clogging process happens two or three weeks before the black spots or stains are visible on the skin. Since the salicylic acid acne medication in the body spray is an exfoliant that helps remove dead skin that combines with oil and dirt to form blackheads and whiteheads and bad can be infected and become buttons.

Gently wash skin with soap or mild detergent and warm (not hot) once or twice a day. Hot water and harsh cleansers can further irritate the skin and reduce acne prevention.

It is tempting to try to scrub away acne, but not how to get rid of pimples. Scrubbing too hard or too often can actually aggravate acne and promote healing by increasing inflammation or rupture of cysts under the skin, making the spread of bacteria.

Do not pick their acne blacks or points on the face or body. You can always scar on the skin. If you must choose to immediately apply a topical antibiotic to prevent infection.

Since stress can trigger acne, try to avoid stressful situations, resolve stresses by talking to friends / family or a professional, and be sure to eat well and get enough sleep. Sometimes the stress of having acne and trying to find a way to get rid of pimples can make things worse. But if you take steps to prevent acne with these tips, you can pass some of that stress.

Using a regular basis can also reduce stress and increase blood circulation and oxygen penetration to the skin, which can help prevent acne.

Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily to help "cleanse" the body from the inside out.

Avoid hot and humid environments such as poorly ventilated kitchens, gyms, or tropical climates and stay away as much as possible from cooking oil or grease the machine that can contribute to blackheads and pores blocked.

If you are working to bring a pre-moistened alcohol towelettes to wipe the sweat from your face, back and chest. Use towels to cover neck and chest areas to avoid coming into direct contact with the equipment.

If you want to know how to get rid of pimples on your body, you realize that bumps on chest and back can be caused by tight clothing suitable drive that trap moisture and heat, so wear loose clothing all-cotton when working.

Wear loose clothing whenever possible and try to prevent chafing of the skin caused by helmets, straps, backpacks or bags.

Sweat combines with skin oils to trap dirt and bacteria in the pores of blackheads and pimples, so it is important to shower as soon as possible after you work or sweat a lot.

Clean cosmetic brushes regularly with soap and water and throw out old, contaminated makeup. Since the bacteria are a major reason for acne, which keeps the bacteria in contact with the skin to help prevent acne.

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ten things to watch in treating skin diseases:

1. Not all skin diseases are treated with the same ointment
There are a variety of skin diseases with various causes. There are external factors that caused such injury. Skin lesions were manifold. There were abrasions, cuts shaved, divisive wounds, cuts a hole, and wound fractures. Wound care need special handling. Superficial wounds can be treated alone, while wounds in stitches and need special care.
How treated wounds also often problematic. The first thing to do, do it properly wound care during initial injury occurred. Clean the wound of any kind of dirt or skin peeling or torn. If the wound is dirty, clean them with soft soap (soda low) and rinse under running water. Once clean, season antisepsis (disinfectant), at least 70 percent alcohol (not 96 percent), and close. Not too tight, give a gap so air can still flow memapari wound.
If the wound is deep enough, after cleaning, the wound washed with a liquid peroxide (can be freely bought in pharmacies). The goal is to eliminate in case any tetanus bacteria enter the wound had already participated. This frothy fluid form of acid in the wound, an unwelcome atmosphere tetanus germs.
Wounds that do not require stitches closed with sterile gauze after spiked antisepsis. Do not coat the wound with cotton, because cotton attached to the wound, and young skin tissue that will form can be sticky when cotton was removed. As a result, the wound never recovered.
If the wound is gaping a bit, try merapatkannya for both parts of the wound together, thereby facilitating healing. Once bandaged, try to wound not touched the water bath or any water for several days. Replace the bandage after every shower. Season again antisepsis liquid.
If the wound is still wet and looked yellow liquid, the possibility of wound infection. If it so, not enough to wound with antisepsis. Add antibiotic ointment or cream. If not, the wound will turn into ulcers. Ulcer healing in addition to adding long, the wound will leave marks or scars on the skin.
Wounds treated with care, in a few days will dry up, move up, not wet, not inflamed, and no pain. Impaired wound healing will remain wet, swollen, and painful, a sign of infected wounds.
Wounds are closed tightly and the meeting will disrupt the healing process. Injury will keep the skin moist and bud tissue is not formed, so that the wound so long to dry. In addition, cover tightly wound contaminated with germs tetanus risk in the wild. Moreover wound in the leg or foot. Tetanus spores were scattered on the ground, everywhere.
Minor injuries and was not in a place not in a dirty, does not require a tetanus shot. Only injuries that occurred on dirt roads or who require a tetanus shot. There are two types of injections, the type of serum and the type of toxoid. If you've ever received a tetanus shot a few years ago, just given the serum ATS. If you have never injected tetanus, in addition to the ATS is given tetanus toxoid to form an anti-tetanus. Doctors will consider what needs to be done on a wound.
If already infected, the wound usually becomes wet watery, purulent. Should not closed, nor given an ointment or cream, but compressed rivanol (can be bought in pharmacies) for several days. Replace pack every time the pack was dry. New antibiotic ointment or cream applied if the wound is completely dry. Moist wound that was given an ointment or cream would be difficult to heal. So also wound is dry, should not be compressed.

2. Burns is not toothpaste or butter salepnya
It often happens, burn smeared toothpaste or butter. The burn wound is like a general, need to be treated sterile. Toothpaste and butter was not beneficial, even to bad consequences. Toothpaste or butter may be disinfected, so the germs into the wound.
Minor burns (only skin redness without blistering) enough ointment smeared livertran (can be freely bought in pharmacies), and do not need to be closed. Bubbly blisters burns, do not break. Let your own burst. After the break, protect from exposure to bath water, because the skin inside the skin is still young, easily penetrated by bacteria. Treatment with antisepsis equipment necessary besides adding livertran ointment. Now there is another kind of ointment to help grow new skin tissue.
Bubbly blisters extensive wounds need hospital treatment. Similarly severe burns to skin mengelupasi in, and make the charred skin, also can not be treated at home.

3. Suture the wound should not be left open
If the wound until the stitches, do not forget to open the seams. It often happens, the patient did not return to the doctor to open the seam. Usually the stitches opened a week later, or earlier if there is infection. Sutured wound could have been infected. In addition to swelling and pain, there may be peeling and loose stitches. If this happens, it should be trimmed back. If not corrected, the wound will leave ugly scars.
Suture the wound does not always have to be opened if wear or how to clamp directly to the gut suture. During the wearing of silk yarn, stitches need to be opened. If not opened, the yarn is a foreign object source of infection. Could be, no wound healing is complete and the thread will be bound together by a network of new skin. This is certainly not healthy.

4. Do not scald injuries mengeleti
Often, scab wounds that had run dry and itchy dikeleti. Let the dead dry skin and pus mixed with blood remaining peel yourself. Mengeleti mean open wound scab crust beneath the young are exposed to the outside world. Young skin exposed to the outside world was not ready, is also facing the threat of infection has not been strong. Let naturally, so the young skin was old enough, he will urge the scab on it to exfoliate itself.
The liberation from scab by accident (tersenggol) usually will bleed, marks her skin is still fragile. In such circumstances, season antibiotics to protect young skin so as not infected and there was a new ulcer.

5. Eczema skin fungus did not use ointments
Many kinds of skin diseases. It looks similar, but the reality is not the same. Eczema, for example. Eczema is often mistaken for fungus. If eczema treated with drugs mushrooms certainly not going to recover. Similarly, if the treated skin fungus eczema drugs, just not going to heal.
Skin disease was specific cure. If the drug is not appropriate, skin abnormalities were so chaotic and diverse. Then, an arbitrary and haphazard origin using the ointment, not recommended. Many skin ointments sold, not that versatile for diseases or any skin disorder. If no correct choice for the medicine, skin diseases increases even chaotic. Skin diseases which are more complicated chaotic cure.

6. Wet skin disease was not disalepi
Skin diseases are not treated correctly often develop into a skin infection. The skin becomes wet. We often call it wet eczema. Eczema is hard will be carded and wet wounds. In such circumstances, the ointment did not help. Wet skin diseases must be confronted with the wet again, namely mengompresnya. Compress wetted periodically every few hours each time compress dry. The aim is to compress the wet sucking sap. After drying, the new drug was given eczema.
Eczema is often contaminated due to infection, carded, or it could be contaminated with fungus. Eczema is not infected with the bacteria and fungi recovered only with eczema drugs, but need plus antibiotics and anti-fungal.

7. Do not continue the drug if it did not heal
Sewring people consider skin disease generally lasts longer, so the use of drugs purchased was not restricted although not cured. Stop the drug if not healed. Maybe the medicine is not appropriate. This often occurs in scurvy.
Scabies is often miss diagnosed. Besides forgotten, the image of the skin in scabies is not so strict. Visible only small spots of red bumps, usually on the thin skin and soft, like in between the fingers of the hand, wrist, abdominal, and buttock skin. Various kinds of scabies can not be recovered if not choosing specific medication scabies (antikudis) who use any way special.
Scabies contagious to family members. Through handles, shaking hands, touched the skin, gender relations, moving from person with scabies infestation to healthy skin. Head lice scabies lodged in the skin layer, and itch night out for mercy.

8. Allergic skin reactions do not always require an ointment or cream
Often, too, experienced skin allergic reactions. The sign, which light only biduran, itching all over his body. Heavy, can peel, blisters, and if the heavy liquid bubbles appear all over his body.
Same skin allergy medicine, allergy is a drunk. If severe, it took an injection of antihistamine. Her skin was laced with powder antigatal. If weight and peeling, just given an antihistamine cream or lotion. Severe skin allergies and spotting occurred in the antibiotic class of sulfa allergy. Talented people who are allergic need to be careful if given the class of sulfa drugs. Symptoms, thick lips, itching, and eczema-like tompel grow around the lips which usually lasting a lifetime. Even this need an antihistamine drug.

9. In order not to leave marks, wounds or skin diseases do not get infected
Any injury or illness occurs mendindikasikan skin damage on the skin surface. Depending on the type of wounds and skin diseases, the affected skin layers can be in, could also be shallow. The more the skin disorder, the greater the risk of leaving the former after healing.
In order not to happen scars, treat injuries properly from the beginning. If a wound or other skin diseases to become infected due to poor wound care, can not, will have results. Corrected a lasting wounds difficult and require plastic surgery.

10. No telling if you have talent keloid
There are talented people keloids. That is, each recovered from injury, will form bumps around the scar grows a kind of meat. In cosmetic, are unsightly, especially if it occurs in the face.
This risk can be prevented by giving a special injection during wound. Including if you want the surgery, doctors need to be told if you have a talent keloids, so that the wound scar given special medication cheap pills prevent keloid formation. Keloid that has formed can be injected repeatedly to restore lump, but can not perfectly smooth.

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READ MORE - Ten things to watch in treating skin diseases:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Soft Skin With Bananas

Bananas are not only ok for food. In some countries even the banana has been used as a mixture of cosmetics to cope with dry facial skin as well as remove the stain. How white yogurt mixed 50cc, 2 tablespoons of honey and a banana that was destroyed until blended. Use this mixture as a mask to the face and neck and let stand for about 10 minutes. Then rinse with cold water as usual. Apply this mask once a week for stain removal on the face.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Skin Type Face and Fruit Benefits

Skin Info Hi loyal visitors, we do not load the old has some tips & tricks for you, and now let us refer to her new tips related to the type of Leather Face and Fruit Benefits. These tips must be familiar to readers Info Skin, but we can just forget about this or any tips as often indifferent to her, well, hopefully these tips will remain useful to our loyal readers ... yes Skin Info

One part of the body that can support your appearance is the face. With a clean and fresh face, you will be more confident. There are many ways to keep the freshness of the face, one with the use of vitamin content in fruits.

Permaslahan on any face tergandung with skin type. There is oily, with the characteristics of the discharge of oil continuously on the face around the forehead, nose, chin (local term "T"), and cheek at the bottom of the cheekbone. In general, this type of skin covered with acne easy. For this type, then the cucumber can help overcome them. This nutritious fruit smooths and relaxes the skin, helps relieve the pores and remove impurities from the skin. Thus, acne can be prevented. In addition to cucumbers, tomatoes can also help restore the balance of oil on oily skin, so that faces are always fresh and natural.

The second type of facial skin is dry skin types. Usually the skin looks dull or glossy, sometimes feels tense (interested), flaky, and itchy. Circumstances biscuits pores often appear withered and rough, and wrinkled, so it looks older than actual age. Fruit is good for consumption for this type of skin dalah carrot *. Vitamin A in carrots is required for maintenance of epithelial tissue (tissue that is the skin surface). Carotene contained in carrots is also working to keep the skin moist, slow the occurrence of wrinkles on the face, and making faces always seem to glow. In addition, pineapple fruit can also be your alternative. Because this fruit contains a substance that functions summarize the pores so the skin looks smooth.

Another case with normal skin types. In between these two types of skin before, the ideal is normal skin types. This type of skin is not oily and not too dry. In addition, the texture is smooth and feels soft to the touch. For this type of skin, an avocado can be your choice. Avocado mask to help care for normal skin types. Therefore, a high fat content can moisturize the skin and protects skin from the influence of sunlight.

* Carrot juice can be consumed by raw or boiled carrots

(Tips boil vegetables: for ensuring proper vitamins in vegetables, then before entering vegetables, boiled water with salt to taste and a little sugar, sugar is useful to keep the vitamins present in vegetables to stay awake and not discarded with the cooking water.)

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

How to Effectively Treating Acne at Home

Acne is really a major concern for most adolescents and young adults, as well as throughout the country. And 'certainly an obstacle to fully enjoy what life offers during the teenage years. It ruins the confidence to say and do what you want. It can even affect a person's relationship to his loved ones and other people. However, we have several ways to choose to destroy acne. The good news is that there is no need to go too far in trying to remedy! There are so many home treatments for acne are right! And there are surely some of them in your kitchen or garden. Otherwise, the nearest store is definitely a non-prescriptive product for you! You should know that there is no way that you can lose your fight against this unwanted skin disorder. treatments for acne will surely leave a carefree!

home do-it-yourself treatment of acne

You might think that treating acne requires seeing and consult for prescription. Well, actually you can try for yourself! You can find appropriate solutions in your home or garden! The application of toothpaste on your acne and leave overnight and, in fact, is a fair deal in their home for the most common acne most people. You can also try a variety of paste or mask that are great choices based on different plant species. You can choose from applying salt and vinegar solution, tomatoes, lime, ripe, methi (fenugreek) leaves, lemon, basil leaves, mint juice, cucumber, corn flour and egg white pomgranate sandalwood, roasted and powder, ground radish, oatmeal, beans, almonds, honey, orange peel and milk, nutmeg, turmeric and tender neem, ground sesame seeds, papaya, and leg and goes. care home for acne very natural!

This type of home treatment for acne should be used on the face or other affected areas. Let stand 15 minutes to an hour and wash with warm water. It requires only apply once or twice daily. You will notice that your face has less oil and buttons are gradually decreasing in number, proof that the home treatments for acne work to cure your acne. Use it until satisfactory results. Most applications, however, may require that you take for about 15 days. But you can actually use some of these home treatments for acne every day to prevent acne from returning.

On the other hand, a mixture of honey and cinnamon powder as a home treatment for acne that forces you to spend the night and wash the next day. You can also choose between strawberry leaves or garlic as a direct application in the areas affected by acne.


If you think it would be better to choose the finished products at home treatments for acne, or if you just do not have time to prepare homemade pasta, or forms, you can go directly to the stores where you can buy what we commonly know as " all-the-counter products. benzoyl peroxide lotion is one of the most commonly used drugs compared to their acne treatmeant. It really helps dry the skin and the layer of dead skin shed.

Another dependable home treatment of acne is cleaner. You should know that it must produce more oil, will greatly enhance the appearance of acne. Wash your face with unscented cleanser twice a day to provide your skin with the right amount of oil to moisturize the skin.

It is worth following

The following suggestions for preventing acne and reducing the damage caused is another good move. You should not wait for acne before you actually improve it. The best way to get rid of to prevent it coming first. One thing besides keeping your face free of excess oil is to avoid pricking and squeezing your zits. This method is only exacerbating the problem of acne. Let nature and time to heal you, and you will see the results of a miracle! You should also avoid using products that can bring harm in the face. The products produced by isopropyl alcohol.

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